Monday, 1 October 2012

proxy servar

symbolProxy server

proxy server
Proxy server :
Hello my all friends. I will show a new tricks this is a not tricks . this is security of your internet.

What is proxy server :-
A proxy server protect the identity of your system from the wilderness of the internet by the acting as a buffer between you and host to which you are connected . instead of communicating directly with the host your system establish a direct connection with the proxy server. The proxy server is turn, establish a connection with the remote host to which you want to connect. Any message send to or from your system are routed through the proxy server as shown here
Your system -->  proxy server -->  remote host
Remote host -->  proxy server -->  your system

When a proxy server is in use .Your system is never directly connected with the remote host which mean your identity is protected form that host.
For this reason proxy server can be used to protect your  ip address from malicious users.

Different Proxy Server


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