How To Hack A PC Using Trojan |
How to hack a PC or remote system using Trojan & Backdoor:
trojan is a self-contained malicious program that does not replicate
(as a worm would) nor infect other files (as a virus would).
of the the earlier Trojans were used to launch Distributed Denial of
Service (DDoS) attacks, such as those suffered by Yahoo and eBay in the
latter part of 1999. Today, Trojans are most often used to gain backdoor
access - remote, surreptitious access - to the computer.
are several different types of Trojans: Remote Access Trojans (RAT),
Backdoor Trojans (backdoors), IRC Trojans (IRCbots), and Keyloggers.
Many of these different types can be employed in a single Trojan. For
example, a keylogger that also operates as a backdoor may commonly be
disguised as a game hack. IRC Trojans are often combined with backdoors
and RATs to create collections of infected computers known as botnets.
Here I am demonstrating using Netbus Trojan.
The basic functionality of all backdoors are same. Pls make note that
all these hacking tools and softwares are detected by antivirus. You
have to uninstall or close you running antivirus first. I strictly
recommend you to try these trojans & keyloggerson some testing
system first
The program can be used as a nice remote administration tool, or just to have some fun with your friends on the net. The network must support TCP/IP.
NetBus consists of a server and a client-part. The server-part is the program which must be running on the computer you wish to administrate. The client-part is the program you use to connect to another computer.
install the NetBus server, you just run Patch.exe, on the target
computer. By default it installs itself in the system, so it starts
automatically every time Windows starts. In the NetBus-client you
address the target with IP-numbers or host-names.
Note that you don’t see Patch when it’s running – it’s hiding itself automatically at start-up.
There are some command-line parameters you can use with Patch:
What’s new?
functions above (there are some logical exceptions) can be delayed an
optional number of seconds before they are executing.
Password protection
If you just want to have fun with your friend’s computer yourself, and don’t want someone else to connect to it you can password protect it. To accomplish this you start the server with the parameter /pass:thepassword, or use the administration functions in NetBus.
Now everybody who hasn’t the correct password will fail when trying to connect or sending commands to that computer.
You should perhaps test the functions in NetBus against yourself before you start using it with your friends, so you know what’s happening (send text will, however, not work on yourself)! Your own machine can be addressed via ”localhost”.
Windows 95, Windows NT or later versions of Windows.
Download :- Click Here To Download Netbus Trojan
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