Facebook video calling: it is simple to use !
For availing this facility the Facebook users will have to visit Facebook's video calling start page and click the green "Get Started" button. This is to be done only one time. The users will not have to click on it again as it will enable video calling on the system. If a users operate Facebook using Firefox on Mac OS X , he will not be prompted about any downloads.
When I first clicked the "Get Started" button I waited for several minutes as my Facebook chat contacts list popped up with a "Loading..." message. I became tired of waiting so I reloaded the page, clicked the "Get Started" button again, and video calling was enabled almost immediately.
Chat will also be installed in Chrome and Safari but the video chat is not in Opera.
As soon the video chat will be enabled, a pop-up window will be appeared asking the users to pick a friend to call from the people available in the online chat contacts. The discussion window popped up after selecting the friend from the list. And then the user will be prompted to click on a new video camera icon at the top of the chat window.
To begin video calling, the users will have to click the video camera icon in the chat window.
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